

Heard that word on a podcast (and although, I admit, a very silly word) I thought THATS IT. When asked my job title, I have this awkward pause……..

There has never been a clear box to check. Just a word to put on that empty line.


Production potter?

Stay at home mom?

Sales Associate?

Business owner?

The line is never long enough for… Stay at home mom but also a potter that sells her work in a retail store but also owns and manages the retail store and works on new collections while also working on production orders. Her work schedule is defined by if her children are in school, asleep, with their grandparents or none of the above in which case she tries to work while caring for her children and hope they don’t ask to help or worse… feel unimportant.

Don’t get me wrong! I LOVE what I do! I LOVE being a Mom to my two amazing daughters! They are a true JOY to my life. The kind of joy that lives even though there are moments when that is absolutely not a descriptive word for the parenting situation. At ages 3 and 14 months, working while caring for them is not the most productive time, but IS the most rewarding. Life giving.

I also love to work! I love what I do. It’s an absolute DREAM to create for a living. I’ve realized I’m never FULLY in one or the other. They don’t “separate” or truly “blend” . My job doesn’t have defined work hours and there are no set work boundaries. Because…well…. I just freaking love to create things! Even when I’m not “working”, I’m daydreaming of a project.

So that’s it, i’m a Momtrepreneur. Most important title of “Mom” coming first and mashed awkwardly together with second.


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