Mama Monday - Just the Beginning

Welcomeeeee to Mama Monday!!!

Being a mama has CHANGED ME. From the very second that my first little cub came into the world - actually, from the moment that my heart yearned to have him and pleaded for the chance to be a mama - it has changed me. My mind and heart hold endless thoughts, reflections, and perspective shifts from the day in and day out experiences, duties, tasks, opportunities, and relationship that is called being a Mama.

However, that is NOT what you are going to get here tonight, friends! Because, honestly, in honor of the first Mama Monday, I need to rest from being a Mama today.

hahahaha…it’s the realest, most fun, exhausting, joy-filled, and rewarding job I’ve ever had people.


This space is going to be real. And it’s going to be random, ever evolving, and always something new because such is life as a Mama. Sometimes, I may share a deep thought and sometimes I may share our current favorite book. Sometimes, I may show you the things we love to play with or the way we organize things at home. Sometimes, I may show you the activities that we do for fun and sometimes I may let you in on the things that are just plain tough inside these walls.

This space is built for conversation and community.

I want to show you my babies and process of learning to be a Mama so that you can come along, learn a little, and teach me a lot!

So tonight…tonight is just the beginning!


What’s on the forecast this month for Mama Monday’s -

FEB 10 - how we teach Aslan to be a gift-giver + my favorites for Valentine surprises for his friends

Other content coming soon :

Our Favie Bedtime Story

Fear + Worry in Motherhood

How We Organize Toys + Clothes

Please, please, please comment topics that are interesting to you! ANYTHING! Pregnancy related, discipline, food for kiddos, anxiety in being a Mama, anything and everything that you would like to start a conversation about!

Leah Garcia1 Comment