Fav Intentional Kiddo Books

Staying at home and loving our littles, we have been reading so. many. books.

Christian is still in school and Mama (me!) is still working so we are not able to teach Aslan all day long and do extravagant crafts and activities. So go ahead and free yourself of any and ALL expectations, comparison, and mama guilt that you may be putting on yourself.

If you are making it, if you are feeding your family in this weird season, if you are reading books, if you are having intentional conversation while doing anything at all, if you are giving lots of hugs and kisses, and if you are demonstrating how to humble yourself and ask for forgiveness when you get frustrated, you are doing it ALL right.

Christian and I have been noticing, lately, how EVERYTHING that we read matters, EVERYTHING that we say matters, and EVERYTHING that we listen to matters. Aslan is like a sponge and soaking it ALL in. If we are giving him substance, substance is coming out. I am challenging myself to start memorizing some scripture with him in the weeks to come! (This has ALWAYS been a struggle area for me! Maybe my little cub will be good accountability!)

Anyway, Aslan boy is in a stage where he is dying to read ALL. THE. TIME. I wanted to share a few of our favorite books that we read with him consistently. Many of these (especially the primers listed) have literally taught him scripture that we have heard him repeat even during his independent pretend play. They soak it ALLLLLL IN.

These are some incredible options for last minute Easter goodies. Feel free to comment with any specific book questions! I will continue to update this list as we find new treasures!



Leah GarciaComment